Category Archives: Uncategorized

Well, I feel safer already

Okay, so this is interesting. After some Greenpeace people scaled the Parliament buildings Monday (making the security guards look like total chumps), now the Parliament security people are stopping people with Greenpeace shirts who try to enter the buildings. Because, you know, as long as you keep the wrong kind of T-shirts out, everyone will think that the security guards at Parliament hill are totally competent people who aren’t at all motivated by spite.

Surveillance Cameras Don’t Work

Okay, so, it’s been established, pretty clearly, by most people who’ve studied the issue, that surveillance cameras don’t work to either solve crimes or deter crime (my dear readers, if I have any at this point, which I probably don’t because this is day one, are perfectly capable of using a search engine to verify this claim). Which makes them, in my estimation, a pretty egregious violation of people’s privacy. So why is it that various Stephen Avenue business owners are giving them rave reviews?

I mean, owning an overpriced pub surely makes someone an expert in public safety, right?

Alberta jails the most people.

From the Herald. Way to go Alberta. We jail more people than any other province in Canada.

I mostly linked to this I think people ought to read Chris Hay’s comments in the article. As he put it: “Incarceration doesn’t reduce crime and it actually might breed it. I see this as a knee-jerk, half-cocked solution to our crime problem.”

Winter brings us together

You know, one thing that I think is kind of awesome about Canada is how, despite the fact that we’re a northern country and we have horrible weather quite frequently, bad weather is still national news.